Your Studio Artworks Dashboard Page can be considered as the homepage for your Artist Studio experience. From here, you'll get a glance at your total artwork inventory, some high level details, and you'll be able to take some actions as well. You can also easily click into each artwork's overview page from here.
A few prominent and useful features to note on the Artworks Dashboard experience.
Visibility column
In this column, you can keep track of what are your drafts and what are published to your Artist Profile.
Price column
This column indicates prices you assigned to each artwork. This price does not reflect shipping cost and is not what a collector will see on the site.
Using the Down Arrow will allow you to see more details behind the Price of your artwork.
Availability Status
The Availability column indicates whether your artwork is for sale. Using the Down Arrow will allow you to change the artwork's availability without going to the editing mode. Note: only complete artwork listings can be made available for sale. If some information that is required to make an artwork available for sale is missing, the action will fail.
Bulk Actions
We also now have Bulk Actions whereby you're able to publish, or delete artworks in 1 action. You simply select the check box next to the artworks, and the actions available will present itself at the top.
Artwork Order
You can rearrange your artworks and control the order they appear on the Artist Profile page. To adjust your artwork positioning, mouseover the artwork you wish to move and click and drag from the six(6) dots seen to the left of the thumbnail image.
There is no need to save changes which will automatically take effect once the position of the thumbnail has been changed.
Review your changes by mousing over your name found in the navigation bar and clicking View Artist Profile to view the works from your main profile page.
NOTE: For artists with many artworks uploaded we recommend you adjust the “results per page” setting seen at the bottom of your window. Doing this will allow you to adjust the position of more artworks at once. Artists with 100+ artworks will only be able to adjust the first 100 artworks uploaded.