Finding out more about you as an artist is very important to art collectors who are considering buying your work, as well as to our own curators when selecting artworks for Saatchi Art’s featured collections and special series such as Collector Favorites and One to Watch.
Your bio should include such information as: where you were born and raised; where you currently live; your education (schools you’ve attended, workshops or mentors you’ve worked with); prizes and awards you've won; exhibitions or fairs that you’ve taken part in (large and small alike!); and collections (both private and public) that include your work.
The recommend checklist of info that you should include in your bio:
- Where you were born and raised
- Where you currently live
- Your artistic influences and where you draw inspiration
- Your medium(s)/technique(s)of choice and why
- Whether you're self-taught or received formal education/tutelage
- Artists you've worked under/with
- Prizes and awards you've won
- Exhibitions that you’ve taken part in
- Collections (both private and public) which include your work.
You can find your Artist Profile Bio inside your Artist Studio > Profile Information
To access your Artist Studio - Navigate to the upper right menu or select the Icon
Now that you're inside your Artist Studio, look to the top navigation to locate Profile Information
See below are all the text fields you can write descriptions within.