When you're preparing your artwork for shipping, you must include a Certificate of Authenticity inside the package to be sent to the collector who has purchased the work. This is a standard gallery practice and in most cases a very important accompanying document that the collector is expecting to receive.
You'll be provided with our template, which you're welcome to use if you are not familiar with how to create your own. The template can be found along with your shipping documents located inside your Sales Dashboard. We've also included the template attached to the bottom of this article for you to download and save to your computer, if you wish.
You may also create and use your own Certificate of Authenticity using our template that is attached to this article or by following the steps below.
Step 1 – Create a document that includes the following information about the artwork:
1. Name of artwork
2. Medium
3. Dimensions of artwork
4. Limited Edition # of # (if this applies to your work),
5. The DATE/MONTH or YEAR the artwork was created on Saatchi Art
6. The Date or Year the artwork was purchased (refer to the first email sent to you by Saatchi Art)
7. IF able provide an image of the artwork on the Certificate of Authenticity
Step 2 - Print your document to include within your artwork shipment.
Selecting a high quality paper is always appreciated and can add a touch of professionalism and aire of formality.
Step 3 - Apply a hand signature and date.
Signing the Certificate of Authenticity by hand is required and provides further authentication that only the artist themself can provide.
NOTE: This document is a must have during all shipments. If the document is not included with your shipment Saatchi Art Support Specialist will contact you to ask that you send the document to your client via local postal service.
CoA for Open Edition Print Sales
Sit back and relax! Saatchi Art is busy printing and shipping it directly to your customer and a Certificate of Authenticity is not required during the sale of prints that we produce on your behalf.
Certificate of Authenticity.pdf (50 KB)